Confused Facing Thesis? 12+ Reference Sites To Help You Complete Thesis For Fast Completion

Getting a bachelor's degree is a dream for people who are studying in college. But in my mind everything can be passed easily to get an undergraduate degree, students must of course complete a thesis.

Thesis is a frightening specter for all students, if they are in the final semester, they will definitely face this thesis. When the exam takes place with the examiner, do not expect to pass immediately because there must be something to be revised or corrected.

Confused looking for help to solve this problem, want to ask a friend for help, he is also busy with his thesis, calm down, there is a solution, don't worry about it, it will get more complicated. 

Confused Facing Thesis?  12+ Reference Sites To Help You Complete Thesis For Fast Completion

You are lucky to read this information because I will inform those of you who are working on their thesis so that they can finish their thesis quickly.

Below is a site that you can visit so that the thesis problem is resolved quickly, please read this information until it's finished.

1. Open Library

This site is perfect for you social majors. Because this research focuses on the social and humanities domain, the books listed here are the best because not just any book can pass on this website. Can't imagine how accurate it will be if the work looks for references from this website.

2. Research Gate

If you want to find references from abroad, it's not wrong if you search on this site. You can also share with foreign people through this website, because here is a forum feature for discussion.

3. Academia

Academia is no stranger to me, I'm sure you will use it if you ask on the Facebook homepage, people commenting will suggest that you visit the website at this academy so that your thesis can be finished quickly.

4. Eureka Education
This website is slightly different from other websites, because the reference articles in it contain expert opinions in the form of opinions. So it must be remembered that if you take text from here you must get permission from the original author.

5. Microsoft Academic

If you are looking for accurate and specific research references, this site is for you. It's wider in my personal opinion and easier to find references than other journal sites.

6. Library Genesis

This website is to find reference sources as a reference for your thesis. The genesis library is perfect.

The advantage is that the references are almost available for all majors and the document formats are complete, some are pdf, mobi, epub, but even though there are many advantages, there are still drawbacks, namely if you are looking for a reference, the keyword must be accurate in the search field. because sometimes it is difficult to find the reference in question if the keywords you are looking for are not yet common.

Confused Facing Thesis?  12+ Reference Sites To Help You Complete Thesis For Fast Completion

7. Google Scholar
This website is made by Google. The supply of scientific publications is very complete. However, not only that, we can also access other free online journals.

8. Wiley Online Library
A little information about this site, the books stored on the Wile Online Library site include 6 million articles, 1,500 journals, 18,000 online books and references that can be downloaded for free.

9. Indonesian Publication Indeks
This site is almost the same as Google Scholar or Microsoft Academy, but the Indonesian site for this index publication has more scientific works in Indonesian, so it makes it easy for us to find references on this site.

10. National Library of the Republic of Indonesia
This site provides a lot of references, you can download whenever you like. But to be able to download you have to register as a member besides that you can also come directly to this library, isn't it exciting? of course.

11. Science Direct 
There are many books and journals available on this website, not only from Indonesia, but also from around the world, there are many references here. 
Confused Facing Thesis?  12+ Reference Sites To Help You Complete Thesis For Fast Completion
12. Projects Gutenberg
This website has approximately 49000 titles of books, from various subjects such as literature, fables, history and science.

13. Open Library
This site is very open because we can be given full access to get references from this site.

Hopefully with the information about the site and you can visit it to make it easier for you in the process of completing the thesis that you are facing. Keep trying not to get discouraged because of trivial problems.

Confused Facing Thesis?  12+ Reference Sites To Help You Complete Thesis For Fast Completion

There are still many problems out there that will come and we will face. So, keep the spirit for you because everything will be beautiful in its time.

As the saying goes, effort will not betray the results. keep the spirit, hopefully those of you who are struggling to complete the thesis can finish quickly and successfully graduate on time.

Hobi mengetik dan memasak serta menyukai teknologi dan tips dan trik yang unik

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