5 SEO mistakes. Do you make them?

5 SEO mistakes. Do you make them?Anyone can do Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with any website or blog at any time.

But if you’re going to make an SEO attempt, you shouldn’t blindly step into that process.

SEO requires certain skills you must learn first and you should be aware of guidelines and rules to follow when optimizing your website in the search engine world.

The value of your content that you present to your readers and the use of relevant keywords, meta tags and article/post titles are all highly important elements.

But on search engines like Google some SEO mistakes can really lower your rankings.

When you avoid the following five SEO mistakes, you can step-up visitors numbers to your site immensely and thus increase your number of customers, your profits and your business’s success.

Let’s dive into them:
1.Poor or even lack of content Article sites, forums and blog are highly popular these days. That’s because search engines love content. Publishing high quality content on your site adds great value, because the search engines pick up action and additions and send Internet users to you. Therefore the content should be informative, original and be of a high quality just in order to keep these visitors on your site.Of course you have to apply all search engine optimization techniques for blog posts first.

2. Using images where words are crucial Use images instead of titles, text or headings implies that they do not count as keywords and that means you lose the potential of achieving higher rankings for those keywords, thus directing traffic to your site. Search engines, certainly Google, look specifically for titles and headings, so the best places to put keywords would be there. You should definitely use images to make the site interesting, but in less crucial positions.

3.Over-utilization of keywords
    A common and big SEO mistake is overuse of keywords. Stuffing keywords may lead to a drastic fall in search engine rankings. Only use your relevant keywords approximately every 100 words and make sure they feature in your headings, (very importantly) in your links and tags. It helps to have your main key phrase in your URL.

4.Outdated or old content
    Not many webmasters realize that maintaining a successful website takes a lot of work. Search engines will lose interest in your site due to the lack of movement If you
    - do not check and alter your content frequently,
    - update information about your developments, business and your promotions and
    - if you do not add interesting modifications.Basically the more your website changes, the more it will climb in the search engine ranks.

5.Not Enough Links and Meta Tags
    Meta tags refer to title, description and keyword tags and should be included on every page on your site. If you have a blog, All in One SEO is an outstanding plugin to achieve this, but I prefer Headspace. (Update 11-05: I’ve replaced that one by WordPress SEO; even better!)
    Make sure each page revolves around a “theme” or center point and “tag” words that convey this in the best possible way.

Avoiding these five SEO mistakes will make your website search engine “friendly” and will help you optimize your site in the best possible way.

If you’ll be using the WordPress blogging platform for your website then you’ll want to check these videos out which will show you how to properly set up on-site optimization using WordPress.

So, do you avoid these 5 SEO mistakes?
Post your comments below.

Hobi mengetik dan memasak serta menyukai teknologi dan tips dan trik yang unik

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