Optimizing Your Keyword – Adsense Help: Section Targeting

 Optimizing Your Keyword – Adsense Help: Section Targeting

If you create a page or a post and concentrate on just one keyword, Adsense will try to publish ads that are directly related to that keyword (or key phrase).

To help Adsense detect what keyword you’re talking about, you therefore should have them
- in the title of a post,
- in the H1 heading and
- a couple of times in the text, preferably close at the top, in the middle and near the bottom of your content.

Emphasizing one keyword occurrence by making it bold or italic may be very helpful too.

So far, these are usual and common practices to help Adsense decide the main keywords it should publish ads for. But there’s more! Read on.

Of course, to get the most out of your Adsense income, you must first find the best Google Adsense ads.
But once you’ve found them, you must also put full emphasis on keywords you’ve selected. And that’s exactly what Google Adsense allows you to do using…

Section Targeting
This feature allows you to enhance your ads results. In their Adsense Help department, Google explains this as follows:

    Section targeting allows you to suggest sections of your text and HTML content that you’d like us to emphasize or downplay when matching ads to your site’s content. By providing us with your suggestions, you can assist us in improving your ad targeting. We recommend that only those familiar with HTML attempt to implement section targeting.

Positive Section Targeting
Basically there are two ways to tell Adsense what to look for: the part you consider important and the part of your page you consider irrelevant.

To tell Adsense about the important part of your content, just add this line of HTML comment to your content:


and end that section with this line:


If you’re showing Adsense ads on each post, I would suggest placing the first line above the post heading. Look for a line in single.php or index.php that starts with:

<?php if (have_posts()

and place the google_ad_section_start just below that line, because the next line will show your post headers.

Keywords Adsense
Keywords Adsense

Placing the ‘end’ tag strongly depends on your blog content. I prefer to place it before my comment section, but you may decide to put it below that or even somewhere else. Test which placement does well for your blog.

Downplay Keyword Adsense Targeting
Equally, you can show Adsense which parts of your site are irrelevant for keywords by adding this HTML comment to your template file:

<!– google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) –>

and end that section again with


Again, where you put these HTML statements is up to you, but I use it at the start of my sidebar and end at the bottom of the source code of each post (at the end of the footer), because that’s the part of my pages that isn’t interesting when it comes to search engine optimization or keywords.

That’s it. Try it and let me know what you think of it.
Post your comments below.

Hobi mengetik dan memasak serta menyukai teknologi dan tips dan trik yang unik

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