the best free unlimited domain and hosting service provider, infintyfree
Hello, loyal readers of the Kangjamet blog. Back again, kangjamet will share very useful
information, for those of you who are looking for a domain plus free
unlimited hosting.
In this article, we'll talk a little bit about infintyfree , the free hosting provider for 8 years and the features it provides.
What is Infinity Free?
Infintyfree, which is a free unlimited hosting service provider website
that has many free features and is perfect for those of you who want to
learn to create a website with hosting but still can't buy public
hosting like at rumahweb or masterweb.
This infintyfee website is highly recommended by Kangjamet, because it
has very complete features, so it's not much different from paid hosting
provider services.
So, what are the features available in InfinityFree?
There are lots of features that usually only exist in premium hosting services, you can get them for free at InfinityFree.
According to data from the official website, InfinityFree has been used by more than 300 thousand people to host the website.
Many people choose this
infintyfree because of the free features that are very pampering. Like
you can choose many domains (actually subdomains), such as,, ++++++ so that your website will be made ex: like
Even though it's only a
subdomain, it's pretty good, the name is also free, hahaha. I've also
tried to make a website with this hosting service, and it turns out that
it can also be indexed by google check it (
In addition to providing many
interesting subdomains. Infintyfree also provides unlimited bandwidth,
so even if the website you create here is visited by many people, it
won't be slow and error-free.
Not only that, infintyfree also provides cpanel services which kangjamet
feels are very complete and not inferior to other paid hosting
Infintyfree cpanel already provides complete enough features to optimize
and manage your website such as monsta ftp service, 400 MySQL
databases, updated phpmyadmin, latest php 7.3 support, sofatlicus
installer, cron jobs, cloudflare, web mail, cname record, ssl, remote
mysl, parked and redirect domains and more.
The feature that I really
like about this cpanel is the Softaculous Apps Installer. With this
tool, we can install any package to our website.
For example, we want to install wordpress, we just go to cpanel > click on the Softaculous Apps Installer >> then select menu>> cms >> just select wordpress . Just enter the website name, password, etc. And done, wordpress successfully installed.
Not only that, in Softcalicus there are dozens of ready-to-install packages that are quite popular, such as moddle, wp, singles, mediawiki, laravel, codeinginter, and many others.
Infintyfree is getting more and more popular because of the forum
support that is ready to help if there are problems or problems
regarding the web that you host there.
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