How to run a php program on android with the php runner application

PHP or short for ( Hypertext Preprocessor ), is a very popular web application development programming language from the past until now. The php programming language is now the most popular programming language besides javascript and python as a programming language for web development. Facebook is one example of a popular website that uses php.

Well, for readers who don't know what the php programming language is, you can read the previous article about: Getting to know the php programming language .

PHP programming language is the most widely used for web creation and development in addition to being easy to understand, also because there are many frameworks (frameworks) to create a web without having to code from 0 to create a web. One of the most popular and widely used php frameworks is the laravel framework and codeigniter.

Well, for those of you who are coding php programming, you definitely need an additional server application so that the php code can run and can be executed. The most popular web server application for Windows for development or just learning PHP is XAMPP, while for Linux, the most popular web server application used is LAMPP. 

But, if you want to code php on android or maybe you don't have a laptop for php coding, one of the best applications is PHP RUNNER.

This application is almost the same as XAMPP on windows, which can be used to run a web server and of course there is phpmyadmin which is used as database management.

And here are the steps for installing the application PHP RUNNER to run PHP on Android.

1. Download PHP RUNNER
First, please download the php runner application from the link here .

2. After the download is complete, install and enter the PHP runner application, and click install , wait until the install process is complete. like the following picture:
3. Also install phpmyadmin by clicking install phpmyadmin

4. When finished, click start , then enter the " site editor ", if the steps above are successful, you will be taken to the php index page which contains information on the php version that was installed earlier.
5. Go to the " " folder htdocs through the file manager, after that try to create a new folder with the name " test ".
6. Create a new file in the " " folder test with the name " index.php ".

7. Fill in " index.php " with the following script:
echo "hello world";

8. Go back into the php runner application, click site editor and enter the name of the folder you created earlier, as in the following example:
9. If you follow the steps as above, it will appear as follows.

10. The installation process and running php on android was successful, you can also open it through your favorite browser, by activating php runner, then enter the php address you created: localhost:8080

Well, that's how to run php on android with the help of the php runner application, hopefully it will be useful.

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