How to Make a Simple Ping Pong Game with Javascript

 Pingpong js

In this article I will share how to make a game, namely the game ping pong . I got this game script code in Javascript Game Code .

How to make the game?, let's immediately see the following step by step.


Previously you prepared:
-Computer / PC or android phone can also
-Text Editor application
-Sincere Intentions

How to Make a Ping Pong Game:

Here's how to make a ping pong game with the notepad application, just take a good look at it.

Step one : Create an File index.html
Then please create html code like this:

 <html></html><br />
<head></head><br />
 <title>Making ping pong game</title><br />
<style type="text/css"></p>
 //taruh file cssnya here </p>
</style><br />
<body></body><br />
 //taruh file htmlnya disini<br />
<script type="text/javascript"></p>
 //js file here</p>


Second step :
Copy the following html, css, javascript code:

 <canvas height="400" id="pong" width="600"></canvas><br />
Kode CSS<br />
body{<br />
            background-color: dimgray;<br />
        }<br />
        #pong{<br />
            border: 2px solid #FFF;<br />
            position: absolute;<br />
            margin :auto;<br />
            top:0;<br />
            right:0;<br />
            left:0;<br />
            bottom:0;<br />
        }<br />
// select canvas element<br />
const canvas = document.getElementById("pong");<br />
// getContext of canvas = methods and properties to draw and do a lot of thing to the canvas<br />
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');<br />
// load sounds<br />
let hit = new Audio();<br />
let wall = new Audio();<br />
let userScore = new Audio();<br />
let comScore = new Audio();<br />
hit.src = "sounds/hit.mp3";<br />
wall.src = "sounds/wall.mp3";<br />
comScore.src = "sounds/comScore.mp3";<br />
userScore.src = "sounds/userScore.mp3";<br />
// Ball object<br />
const ball = {<br />
    x : canvas.width/2,<br />
    y : canvas.height/2,<br />
    radius : 10,<br />
    velocityX : 5,<br />
    velocityY : 5,<br />
    speed : 7,<br />
    color : "WHITE"<br />
}<br />
// User Paddle<br />
const user = {<br />
    x : 0, // left side of canvas<br />
    y : (canvas.height - 100)/2, // -100 the height of paddle<br />
    width : 10,<br />
    height : 100,<br />
    score : 0,<br />
    color : "WHITE"<br />
}<br />
// COM Paddle<br />
const com = {<br />
    x : canvas.width - 10, // - width of paddle<br />
    y : (canvas.height - 100)/2, // -100 the height of paddle<br />
    width : 10,<br />
    height : 100,<br />
    score : 0,<br />
    color : "WHITE"<br />
}<br />
// NET<br />
const net = {<br />
    x : (canvas.width - 2)/2,<br />
    y : 0,<br />
    height : 10,<br />
    width : 2,<br />
    color : "WHITE"<br />
}<br />
// draw a rectangle, will be used to draw paddles<br />
function drawRect(x, y, w, h, color){<br />
    ctx.fillStyle = color;<br />
    ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h);<br />
}<br />
// draw circle, will be used to draw the ball<br />
function drawArc(x, y, r, color){<br />
    ctx.fillStyle = color;<br />
    ctx.beginPath();<br />
    ctx.arc(x,y,r,0,Math.PI*2,true);<br />
    ctx.closePath();<br />
    ctx.fill();<br />
}<br />
// listening to the mouse<br />
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", getMousePos);<br />
function getMousePos(evt){<br />
    let rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();<br />
<br />
    user.y = evt.clientY - - user.height/2;<br />
}<br />
// when COM or USER scores, we reset the ball<br />
function resetBall(){<br />
    ball.x = canvas.width/2;<br />
    ball.y = canvas.height/2;<br />
    ball.velocityX = -ball.velocityX;<br />
    ball.speed = 7;<br />
}<br />
// draw the net<br />
function drawNet(){<br />
    for(let i = 0; i <= canvas.height; i+=15){<br />
        drawRect(net.x, net.y + i, net.width, net.height, net.color);<br />
    }<br />
}<br />
// draw text<br />
function drawText(text,x,y){<br />
    ctx.fillStyle = "#FFF";<br />
    ctx.font = "75px fantasy";<br />
    ctx.fillText(text, x, y);<br />
}<br />
// collision detection<br />
function collision(b,p){<br /> = p.y;<br />
    p.bottom = p.y + p.height;<br />
    p.left = p.x;<br />
    p.right = p.x + p.width;<br />
<br /> = b.y - b.radius;<br />
    b.bottom = b.y + b.radius;<br />
    b.left = b.x - b.radius;<br />
    b.right = b.x + b.radius;<br />
<br />
    return p.left < b.right && < b.bottom && p.right > b.left && p.bottom >;<br />
}<br />
// update function, the function that does all calculations<br />
function update(){<br />
<br />
    // change the score of players, if the ball goes to the left "ball.x<0 ball.x="" computer="" else="" if="" win=""> canvas.width" the user win</0><br />
    if( ball.x - ball.radius < 0 ){<br />
        com.score++;<br />;<br />
        resetBall();<br />
    }else if( ball.x + ball.radius > canvas.width){<br />
        user.score++;<br />;<br />
        resetBall();<br />
    }<br />
<br />
    // the ball has a velocity<br />
    ball.x += ball.velocityX;<br />
    ball.y += ball.velocityY;<br />
<br />
    // computer plays for itself, and we must be able to beat it<br />
    // simple AI<br />
    com.y += ((ball.y - (com.y + com.height/2)))*0.1;<br />
<br />
    // when the ball collides with bottom and top walls we inverse the y velocity.<br />
    if(ball.y - ball.radius < 0 || ball.y + ball.radius > canvas.height){<br />
        ball.velocityY = -ball.velocityY;<br />;<br />
    }<br />
<br />
    // we check if the paddle hit the user or the com paddle<br />
    let player = (ball.x + ball.radius < canvas.width/2) ? user : com;<br />
<br />
    // if the ball hits a paddle<br />
    if(collision(ball,player)){<br />
        // play sound<br />;<br />
        // we check where the ball hits the paddle<br />
        let collidePoint = (ball.y - (player.y + player.height/2));<br />
        // normalize the value of collidePoint, we need to get numbers between -1 and 1.<br />
        // -player.height/2 < collide Point < player.height/2<br />
        collidePoint = collidePoint / (player.height/2);<br />
  <br />
        // when the ball hits the top of a paddle we want the ball, to take a -45degees angle<br />
        // when the ball hits the center of the paddle we want the ball to take a 0degrees angle<br />
        // when the ball hits the bottom of the paddle we want the ball to take a 45degrees<br />
        // Math.PI/4 = 45degrees<br />
        let angleRad = (Math.PI/4) * collidePoint;<br />
  <br />
        // change the X and Y velocity direction<br />
        let direction = (ball.x + ball.radius < canvas.width/2) ? 1 : -1;<br />
        ball.velocityX = direction * ball.speed * Math.cos(angleRad);<br />
        ball.velocityY = ball.speed * Math.sin(angleRad);<br />
  <br />
        // speed up the ball everytime a paddle hits it.<br />
        ball.speed += 0.1;<br />
    }<br />
}<br />
// render function, the function that does al the drawing<br />
function render(){<br />
<br />
    // clear the canvas<br />
    drawRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, "#000");<br />
<br />
    // draw the user score to the left<br />
    drawText(user.score,canvas.width/4,canvas.height/5);<br />
<br />
    // draw the COM score to the right<br />
    drawText(com.score,3*canvas.width/4,canvas.height/5);<br />
<br />
    // draw the net<br />
    drawNet();<br />
<br />
    // draw the user's paddle<br />
    drawRect(user.x, user.y, user.width, user.height, user.color);<br />
<br />
    // draw the COM's paddle<br />
    drawRect(com.x, com.y, com.width, com.height, com.color);<br />
<br />
    // draw the ball<br />
    drawArc(ball.x, ball.y, ball.radius, ball.color);<br />
}<br />
function game(){<br />
    update();<br />
    render();<br />
}<br />
// number of frames per second<br />
let framePerSecond = 50;<br />
//call the game function 50 times every 1 Sec<br />
let loop = setInterval(game,1000/framePerSecond);


Third step :
Click Save and click View
Ping Pong Game uses Javascript - Then please save the script code above, and drag the index.html file to the browser and see the results.

If there is an error maybe your code placement is wrong.

That was How to Make a Simple Ping Pong Game with Javascript, hopefully it will be useful and can be a reference.

If you have questions, criticisms and suggestions, please comment below.



Hobi mengetik dan memasak serta menyukai teknologi dan tips dan trik yang unik

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